PTSD Relief with Acupressure


This is the web page that will focus on PTSD. This page will include background, research, articles, how to start using the points, blogs, facebook, twitter connections and all other networking information. This page will be open only to people who are part of the acupressure study program and are allowing us to assist them to get the best personal results possible and to track their progress.

The link to the points for relief of PTSD are found below.

PTSD Print this file for you daily use.

Power point stimulation video timed for all points. Begin stimulating the center line points and the points on the right side of your body and your right ear. 30 Seconds per point. Halfway thru the program you will be instructed to switch and do the second series of points on the left side of your body. The sequence is a total of 15 minutes. Once you are comfortable doing one point at a time and if you have two tools you can shorten the time by doing two points at once. See PTSD ebook for frequency protocols. Daily exercise.

Daily exercise Two points at a time. 7 1/2 minutes

PTSD short article on how to use C17 alone.

Draft ebook for using acupressure and for PTSD.


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